In this human library in Denmark, you can borrow a ‘person’ rather than a ‘book’

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Have you ever heard of a human library? You must have visited libraries, where you could browse countless books, choose titles that intrigued you, and learn more about your interests.

How about hearing someone’s story from them firsthand, as opposed to deciphering it from a written text? What if, for instance, you have a conversation with someone from that location who talks about their experience and perhaps challenges the ideas you have been given through media reports? rather than reading about the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

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The “Human Library,” also referred to as the “living library,” was founded on the venerable notion of information sharing. Readers are free to ask any questions they want about the “books” they are borrowing from the “Human Library,” where “humans” are referred to as the “books,” in order to better understand the other person and confront their own prejudices.

Working on similar lines, an international not-for-profit outfit based in Denmark‘s capital city has been making efforts since 2000 to give people the opportunity to unjudge others with its ‘Human Library’.

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In this library, you can choose a book—or a person—and borrow it for 30 minutes while you hear their tale and get to ask them any questions you like. If you visit the library’s official website, you’ll learn that it promotes open communication and welcomes any questions you may have.

OCD, PTSD, Misophonia, Victim of Incest, Sexually Abused, Rare Handicap, Bisexual, Craving Human Touch, Early Retired, High IQ, Recovered Alcoholic, Bullied, and Giving Infant Up for Adoption are just a few of the names one can select from.

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The books of The Human Library reflect social groups that battle stigmatization and discrimination. People can get to know one another better and become more tolerant of one another by learning more about one another at the library.
The Human Library has conducted events in libraries, museums, festivals, conferences, schools, and universities across more than 80 nations to date.

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